AWS EKS vs Google Kubernetes Engine: Which Kubernetes service is better for your project

September 15, 2021

AWS EKS vs Google Kubernetes Engine: Which Kubernetes service is better for your project

If you're looking for a Kubernetes service for your cloud automation project, you might have stumbled upon two popular offerings - AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine. Choosing the right one is crucial to ensure that your project runs smoothly and cost-effectively.

But which one should you choose? Let's compare AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine based on different criteria to help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

Both AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine are designed to be user-friendly, and both services offer a web console for managing Kubernetes clusters. However, Google Kubernetes Engine takes the lead here with its intuitive user interface.

Winner: Google Kubernetes Engine


Both AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine are built to be highly scalable. AWS EKS can scale up to 5,000 nodes per cluster, while Google Kubernetes Engine can handle up to 15,000 nodes per cluster.

Winner: Google Kubernetes Engine


Pricing is an essential factor to consider when choosing a Kubernetes service. AWS EKS charges $0.10 per hour for each Kubernetes cluster while Google Kubernetes Engine charges $0.10 per hour per cluster for the first six clusters and $0.05 per hour for any additional clusters.

Winner: Tie


Performance is critical for any cloud automation project. Based on benchmarks, AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine perform similarly in terms of CPU and memory performance. However, AWS EKS has better network throughput and lower latency compared to Google Kubernetes Engine.

Winner: AWS EKS


AWS EKS is designed to integrate smoothly with other AWS services, such as Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, and AWS Fargate, making it an ideal choice for users who rely heavily on AWS services. Google Kubernetes Engine, on the other hand, integrates well with Google Cloud services.

Winner: Tie

Customer Support

Both AWS and Google offer excellent customer support, and their Kubernetes services are no different. AWS offers 24/7 support for all users, while Google offers 24/7 support for users on its paid plans.

Winner: Tie


Both AWS EKS and Google Kubernetes Engine are excellent Kubernetes services, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs. If you need high network throughput and lower latency, AWS EKS is the way to go. If ease of use and scalability are your primary concerns, Google Kubernetes Engine is an excellent choice.

Whatever your choice is, make sure to take advantage of the free trials and test each service before committing.


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